Sept. 27, 2023 Surgeon General immerses with Mustang Medics, talks AFMED U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Robert Miller, Air Force surgeon general, and Chief Master Sgt. Dawn Kolczynski, medical enlisted force and enlisted corps chief, receives an informational briefing during an immersion tour.
Aug. 31, 2023 Air Force medical leadership discuss AFMED structure during week-long conference Air Force medical leaders hosted a week-long strategy planning conference August 14 to 18 to solidify details to standup the Air Force Medical Command, or AFMED.
Aug. 11, 2023 Air Force to restructure for improved readiness and health service support The Air Force is restructuring the Air Force Medical Service to advance Airmen and Guardian health and readiness. The move also provides better support and advocacy for Department of the Air Force priorities in partnership with the Military Health System.
July 5, 2023 All trauma can cause PTSD PTSD is a physical and mental reaction to a situation or event that was perceived as dangerous, according to behavioral health experts.
May 5, 2023 Brandon Act aims to improve mental health support The Brandon Act aims at improving the referral process for service members seeking a mental health evaluation and allowing them to seek help confidentially, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness said.
April 17, 2023 Get advice from a nurse 24/7 With the coming of spring, the temperatures warm and the tempo of life picks up. It’s good to know that you have all-the-time access to health information and advice via the Military Health System Nurse Advice Line.
April 7, 2023 Tester, Kendall, DAF senior leaders visit Malmstrom AFB Senator Jon Tester, SecAF Frank Kendal and other DAF senior leaders visited Malmstrom AFB to engage with Airmen and receive updates on the ongoing missile community cancer study from DAF leadership.
March 23, 2023 446AW aids AE in exercise Ultimate Caduceus 2023 446 Airlift Wing's Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron participated and supported USTRANSCOM's annual medical readiness exercise, Ultimate Caduceus 2023.
Jan. 20, 2023 A ‘not-so-routine’ operation Aug. 26, 2021 was a terrible day of bloodshed and destruction near Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul, Afghanistan, when a suicide bomber killed an estimated 170 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members.
Jan. 6, 2023 DHA Will Serve 'Anytime, Anywhere - Always,' Says New Director Army Maj. Gen. Telita Crosland became the Defense Health Agency's fourth director in its nearly 10-year existence, pledging to continue taking the DHA "down its path of excellence."
Dec. 2, 2022 Military Health System offers a variety of contraceptive care services The Military Health System offers service members and their families contraceptive care services - including access to all forms of medical and surgical contraception - for men and women.
Dec. 1, 2022 How the U.S. military acclimates units to high-altitude operations High altitude - generally considered at about 8,000 feet or more above sea level - can negatively affect service members’ health as well as their physical and mental performance, especially if they’re not properly acclimated to it.
Nov. 29, 2022 Colorectal cancer screening age decreases to 45 Although the overall death rate from colorectal cancer has been on the decline in recent years, it remains the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.
Nov. 8, 2022 Walk-in contraceptive services required at hospitals and clinics The Defense Health Agency is expanding walk-in contraceptive care services to improve reproductive health services. These services include same-day access with no appointment or referral needed.
Oct. 6, 2022 TRICARE offers contraceptive care to support you, your family, and your readiness Whether you’re a service member or a TRICARE-eligible family member, contraceptive care plays a key role in your overall health, wellness, and quality of life. It also supports your individual and family readiness.
Sept. 8, 2022 Monkeypox education recommended as U.S. cases continue to rise The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shed more light on the monkeypox virus as the number of cases continue to increase in the United States.
Aug. 31, 2022 Novavax COVID-19 vaccine now available for 12 to 17 year-olds Adolescents ages 12 to 17 can now receive the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, the fourth vaccine to be authorized for the prevention of coronavirus.
Aug. 23, 2022 After Dobbs decision, DOD provides Q&A resource The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness published a Q&A with answers to questions around reproductive health care access - including leave and travel, sexual assault, contraceptives and other types of related assistance.
Aug. 9, 2022 Air Force providing vaccines for Airmen as monkeypox cases rise The United States declared monkeypox a national health emergency on Thursday and clinics across the nation are working to get vaccines to those most threatened by the disease. Now, the Air Force is getting the word out that it has vaccines available for its airmen on demand.
Aug. 5, 2022 Learn the most recent age requirements for COVID-19 vaccines and boosters The COVID-19 virus hasn’t gone away. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, viruses like COVID-19 constantly change through mutation. Sometimes these mutations result in a new variant of the virus, such as the Omicron variant.