Feb. 28, 2024 Tuskegee medics overcome barriers, leave lasting impact on Air Force medicine The policies of the armed services in World War II reflected the stresses and contradictions of segregated American society of the time, and historical records show the Army Air Forces and its medical service were no exception.
March 6, 2019 Women's History Month: Saving lives as World War II flight nurse As a flight nurse during World War II, 1st Lt. Madeline “Del” D’Eletto, saw some of her first action transporting Soldiers wounded in D-Day landings back to Great Britain via aeromedical evacuation.
Jan. 11, 2019 This Month in AFMS History: The Iranian hostages arrive in Wiesbaden, 38 years ago On Jan. 20, 1981, two Air Force C-9 Nightingale aerovac aircraft touched down at Rhein-Main Air Base, West Germany, to cheering crowds.
Dec. 27, 2018 This Month in AFMS History: Operation Christmas Kidlift In mid-December 1950, Air Force Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Russell Blaisdell knew the deadly fate his orphans faced. When North Korean troops overran the South Korean capital in June 1950, it was widely reported that the North Korean army indiscriminately killed civilian men, women and children.
April 25, 2018 ANZAC Day: A time for honoring partnerships Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) Day is a time to honor members and reflect on the long-lasting partnership between ANZAC and the Air Force Medical Service, which reaches back to the Korean war when ANZAC and AFMS members worked together as allies. Pictured above, Australian flight
March 15, 2018 The evolution of aeromedical evacuation capabilities help deployed medicine take flight Evacuating patients injured in combat and transporting them to higher levels of care requires a team of trained medics with the capability to keep patients stable in-flight. The Air Force’s Aeromedical Evacuation system has been a staple of transporting wartime casualties since World War II.
March 7, 2018 The “Cadillac of medevac”: The C9A’s lasting mark on the aeromedical evacuation system Making its debut in August of 1968, the C-9A was the U.S. Air Force’s first specially designed aeromedical evacuation aircraft. The C-9A answered the increased demand for effective aeromedical patient transport as U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War escalated.
May 25, 2016 This month in AFMS history: The birth of flight medicine In 1917 Lt. Col. (Dr.) Theodore C. Lyster was appointed the first chief surgeon of the aviation service of the U.S. Army, and flight medicine was born. Through his work, Lyster brought awareness to the unique physiological issues affecting pilots. Considering the high pilot death rate of the time,