Sept. 16, 2021 AFRL to showcase key programs, processes to provide warfighters with innovative technologies at Air, Space & Cyber Conference The Air Force Research Laboratory will showcase several areas including Department of the Air Force Vanguard programs, COVID-19 response efforts, innovative capabilities for base defense and palletized munitions plus several avenues for sharing ideas or capabilities with the lab during the Air Force
Aug. 28, 2021 USAFSAM provides deployment training to medics at Wright-Patt Med Center Aeromedical evacuation instructors from the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine provided an all-day deployment training on patient movement Aug. 12 to a team of 14 medics from the 88th Medical Group who currently work at the Wright-Patt Medical Center.
Aug. 27, 2021 Air Force medics partner with University of Nebraska to sharpen biocontainment care skills Lt. Gen. Robert I. Miller, U.S. Air Force Surgeon General, visited the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills Omaha program on August 18.
June 9, 2021 AFWERX Agility Prime partners with Kitty Hawk in first medevac exercise with electric aircraft AFWERX Agility Prime and new partner Kitty Hawk reached a milestone in May with their first operational exercise.
June 1, 2021 AFRL opens research altitude chambers, becomes force in aerospace physiology When Airmen are flying at 50,000 feet, they have to be prepared for every situation. And every piece of equipment that goes up with them must be able to function under the pressures of flight as well. At the Air Force Research Laboratory, ensuring pilots, air crews, and all flight equipment can
May 4, 2021 VCSAF tours AFRL’s 711th Human Performance Wing Gen. Allvin received a full day of briefings and demonstrations by the 711th HPW’s Airman Systems Directorate and U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, including demonstrations of large-scale laboratory devices used to analyze and monitor human performance.
March 3, 2021 To train medics to save lives, fuselage travels to WPAFB The fuselage of a Boeing 767 is being delivered from Wilmington Air Park in Wilmington, Ohio, to the 711th Human Performance Wing’s U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine around 2 p.m. on March 3.
Feb. 24, 2021 AFRL partnership seeks to “engineer” improved human performance For athletes, achieving peak performance takes more than skill and practice. Other important but less obvious factors - including nutrition, sleep, mental state, resilience, and more - are critical in maximizing potential. The Air Force Research Laboratory has teamed with small business partners to
Nov. 2, 2020 AFRL physician researcher named Aerospace Medical Association Fellow The Aerospace Medical Association recently honored AFRL physician researcher Dr. (Brig. Gen.) James McEachen with the title of Fellow for his career-long accomplishments and professional dedication to aerospace medicine leadership, operations, education, and research.
Oct. 1, 2020 Air Force lab surpasses 130K COVID-19 tests in 6 months This number equates to about 17% of all samples of COVID-19 that have been tested across the Department of Defense. And as the demand fluctuated and continues, laboratory personnel remain agile.
Sept. 2, 2020 Air Force partners in medical logistics to support US The Air Force is working with civilian partners and sister services to ensure personal protective equipment and other pandemic-related supplies are delivered wherever they are needed, whether to military treatment facilities or civilian hospitals.In early April, the Air Force stood up its first
Aug. 31, 2020 AFRL develops algorithm, flexible device for hands-free ultrasound The Air Force Research Laboratory recognizes the need for remote physiological monitoring during en route medical care. As such, they have conceived a flexible ultrasound device to serve this requirement.
Aug. 13, 2020 AFRL neurotechnology partnership aims to accelerate learning It may sound like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but an Air Force Research Laboratory team is turning science fiction into reality to help warfighters unlock the powers of the brain.The Individualized Neural Learning System, or iNeuraLS, is a new augmented learning platform that will
Aug. 4, 2020 AFRL researcher awarded by Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers Air Force Research Laboratory scientist Dr. Steve Kim was recently honored with the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers Professional Achievement Award for his innovative research and persistent drive to tackle challenging and evolving subject matter.
July 27, 2020 Air Force updates medical courses with COVID-19 content, procedures Air Force medical instructors and trainers are improving curriculum and adapting procedures to account for COVID-19 operations.
July 2, 2020 AF Surgeon General talks about COVID, innovation, leadership Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg, U.S. Air Force surgeon general, accompanied by Chief Master Sgt. Dawn Kolczynski, AF SG chief of medical operations, toured and learned about the Transport Isolation System aboard a C-17 Globemaster III, June 26, 2020.
June 26, 2020 AFRL researcher honored with Women of Color STEM award An up-and-coming Air Force Research Laboratory scientist was recently honored with the Women of Color STEM Technical Innovation in Government award for her mentoring, leadership, and spirit of innovation.
June 2, 2020 AFRL centrifuge part of NASA’s history-making launch NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, who ascended into space May 30 in a history-making launch, were two of the 10 astronauts to undergo testing in early November 2018 in the Air Force Research Laboratory’s centrifuge.This centrifuge is the DoD’s only human-rated centrifuge, and it was
April 29, 2020 AFRL adapts PJ tactics for COVID-19 monitoring The Air Force Research Laboratory is leveraging tactics from the Air Force pararescue community, employing a new tool that can monitor multiple patients’ vital signs, helping to alleviate the lean doctor-to-patient ratio that many medical facilities are facing amidst COVID-19.
April 29, 2020 AFRL Aircraft Decontamination Team ramps up battle against COVID-19 To support the global fight against COVID-19, the Air Force Research Laboratory quickly stood up an aircraft decontamination team pooling bioenvironmental, aircraft materials and medical experts from across the laboratory who’ve assessed a variety of aircraft decontamination support solutions.