Sept. 11, 2018 A day that resonates By looking at him you wouldn’t know it, but Brewer has deep scars from a day seven years ago that took the lives of two fellow Airmen, and severely wounded two others.
July 10, 2018 Prolonged exposure therapy aids recovery for PTSD patients For active-duty service members suffering from PTSD and post-traumatic type symptoms, help is available at David Grant USAF Medical Center’s Mental Health Clinic at Travis Air Force Base, California.
July 3, 2018 A peek behind the curtain: Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder can be debilitating, but there are therapies that can reduce symptoms, improve quality of life, and help Airmen return to duty.One of the most effective therapies, practiced by many Air Force mental health professionals, is prolonged exposure therapy.
June 26, 2018 A peek behind the curtain: The first step of PTSD care Perhaps the most difficult part of seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder is making that first appointment, since Airmen are often unsure of what to expect. Not knowing what to expect from mental health providers can get in the way of effective PTSD treatment.
June 20, 2018 A peek behind the curtain: PTSD barriers and stigmas Effective treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder is possible, but many Airmen falsely think seeking medical help for PTSD will hurt their career and will not help them get better. These stigmas and misconceptions create perceived barriers, preventing Airmen from seeking care. Delaying treatment
Sept. 14, 2017 Caregivers play critical role in lives of wounded warriors Tech. Sgt. Eric Fisher was two months into a five-month deployment in 2011 to Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, when he suffered a heart attack after an intense rocket attack, and a day of moving heavy pallets on the flight line.
June 29, 2017 Healing from invisible wounds: The other side of the story Chanda D’Angelo was in a frenzy; she quickly washed all the clothes in her home, zoomed the vacuum across every floor, wiped down every surface, cleaned out the refrigerator and stove and scrubbed the windows and mirrors until they were spotless. Exhausted, she had just enough time to get her hair
June 28, 2017 PTSD doesn’t have to be fought alone Post-traumatic stress disorder can be the result of someone experiencing an event that creates a heightened sense of terror or helplessness. PTSD can cause debilitating anxiety and fear throughout the remainder of the affected person’s life. Although PTSD may be associated with combat and the
June 22, 2017 PTSD treatment confronts the trauma behind the disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is considered one of the “signature wounds” of the current conflicts in the Middle East. But many people may not know that there are highly effective treatments for this invisible wound being deployed at Air Force hospitals and clinics today. It’s normal to feel
June 14, 2017 Healing from invisible wounds On Jan. 15, 2008, Senior Airman Christopher D’Angelo, a heavy equipment operator, was the lead gunner in an armored vehicle convoy on a road near Baghdad. The sun was shining and the air comfortable. His unit had just transported construction materials to forward operating bases and was currently
Aug. 25, 2016 Every Airman Plays a Role in Suicide Prevention The Air Force is determined to prevent suicide, but you don’t need to be a specialist or doctor to do that. Sometimes all it takes is starting a conversation. Everyone has a role to play. That’s a key part of the Department of Defense’s #BeThere Campaign, which encourages making a difference through
June 25, 2016 PTSD Awareness leads to positive treatment Post-traumatic Stress Disorder can be debilitating in some patients, but thanks to advancements in research and the continued training of mental health providers, treatments are getting better all the time.Maj. Joel Foster, Chief of Air Force Deployment Mental Health, said treating PTSD has improved