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Tag: Heather Wilson
  • Wilson praises Airmen, expresses gratitude in farewell remarks reflecting on her tenure as Air Force secretary

    She praised the skill and dedication of Airmen while comparing lessons learned from gardening as a corollary for the qualities that make for good leaders and an effective Air Force secretary. You need a plan, she said; you need friends to help, meaning allies, and “as long as it’s safe, let people tinker with the tools.”
  • Air Force announces artificial intelligence research with MIT

    Beginning this summer, the combined officer and enlisted team representing various Air Force career fields, is expected to work with researchers at MIT to harness the university’s student talent, renowned faculty and state-of-the art facilities and laboratories. The partnership will address a broad range of AI projects such as decision support, maintenance and logistics, talent management, medical readiness, situational awareness, business operations and disaster relief.
  • Commanders, senior raters to select IDE attendees

    Beginning with the 2019 Developmental Education Designation Board, wing commanders and some senior raters will be able to select one Line of the Air Force officer per academic year to attend Intermediate Developmental Education in residence.