April 1, 2019 Air Force releases CY18E/O-5 Nurse Corps selection board results The Air Force has released the selection list from the calendar year 18E central selection board for lieutenant colonels in the Nurse Corps competitive category.
Jan. 9, 2019 Air Force releases CY18A, CY18C officer central selection board results for Medical, Dental, Biomedical Sciences Corps The Air Force has released the names of the 574 officers on the selection lists from the calendar year 18A and CY18C central selection boards for the Medical, Dental and Biomedical Sciences Corps.
May 23, 2017 Enlisted Airmen selected for 2017 nursing program Almost three dozen active duty enlisted Airmen have been selected for the 2017 Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Program following the April 17-19, 2017, selection board at the Air Force Personnel Center.