June 15, 2022 AFW2 briefs Airmen on resources The Air Force Wounded Warrior program ambassadors told their stories to Keesler Airmen across base from June 6 to 8. AFW2 provides support and services to wounded, ill and injured Airmen by providing nonmedical care support and helping facilitate some medical care support.
Dec. 19, 2021 Working at remaining resilient during the holidays Holidays are a time for traveling and preparing to spend time with families. This can be an exciting time, especially since COVID-19 has been keeping families apart, but for some, this is can be a really hard time to cope with since many may not be surrounded by loved ones.
Aug. 28, 2019 Helping wounded airmen recover with dignity, resolve, and resiliency With his personal life and military career spiraling out of control due to increased alcohol consumption, heightened self-doubt, and an amplified apathy for living, Air Force Master Sgt. (Ret.) Adam Boccher eventually exited the road to rock bottom and ruin through a program initiated to assist
June 12, 2018 Wounded Warrior finds purpose in sharing story On Oct. 11, 2015, Col. Laurel Burkel was rescued from the mangled wreckage of the helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Burkel lived to tell her story, but Maj. Phyllis Pelky, Master Sgt. Greg Kuhse, and three NATO partners were lost. Recently, she shared her story of resiliency during a Wounded Warrior