March 22, 2019 AF studies Total Exposure Health approach in high-noise environments The Air Force Medical Service is studying new and cost-effective ways to promote readiness by understanding these exposures.
Aug. 2, 2018 Total Exposure Health Conference 2018: Protecting military, first-responders, and the public from environmental, occupational and lifestyle exposures Military personnel and first responders commonly operate in adverse environments. Dust storms, extreme heat or cold, fallen or burning buildings, and high-G cockpits are all environments that come with the job—as well as unique exposures to chemicals, dust and particles, noise, and other “stressors”
July 22, 2016 Air Force begins study on noise exposures An Air Force Surgeon General initiative called Total Exposure Health will soon advance from a concept to a real-world demonstration at an operational base. Total Exposure Health focuses on primary prevention, which includes exposures in the workplace, the environment, and lifestyles in order to