May 31, 2018 Two worlds, one way of life: former monk becomes Airman For most people, spending a day without their phone is an impossible feat. To spend 30 days without a phone, writing, reading, talking or even eye contact would seem unfathomable, but for Thailand Buddhist monks, this is their world. After spending 18 years in that world as a monk, Airman 1st Class
Nov. 6, 2017 347th Rescue Group initiates new medical, survival training Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape specialists and Independent Duty Medical Technicians recently partnered to innovate a more realistic training experience for 23d Wing aircrew.The training is designed to merge many smaller courses into one three-day course that seamlessly ties together
Sept. 21, 2017 Moody AFB Clinic drawing blood, safeguarding Flying Tigers People may think our nation is kept secure solely by Airmen flying jets and jumping out of planes, but sometimes it’s the ones in lab coats that help maintain our Airmen’s wellbeing so they can finish the fight.The 23rd Medical Support Squadron’s medical laboratory, coupled with their specialized
May 11, 2017 Medical technicians care for greatest assets Medical technicians are normally the first to see a patient, leaving it to them to assess if someone is simply sick or should be in an emergency room.After recognizing a patient with life-threatening symptoms, one of Team Moody’s medical technicians was recently honored for quickly responding to a
July 27, 2016 59th Medical Wing treating AF’s elite human weapons system Comprehensive, synergistic medical care from the 59th Medical Wing is helping produce the Air Force’s elite, battle-ready combat warriors here at the new Battlefield Airmen Training Group.