Dec. 17, 2024 Yokota, Kadena Airmen save life in real-world AE mission Airmen saved the life of a critically injured fellow Airman in a display of rapid response and seamless coordination for an aeromedical evacuation, Oct. 28.
Oct. 17, 2024 CSAF, CMSAF communicate readiness, reoptimization during visit at Yokota Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin, Gina Allvin, the spouse of CSAF, and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force David Flosi visited Yokota Air Base on Oct. 16.
Aug. 27, 2024 ‘A positive’ experience: Yokota medics revive mainland blood drive Airmen from the 374th Medical Group hosted a blood drive at the Samurai Fitness Center at Yokota Air Base, Japan, Aug. 21-22, 2024.
Aug. 12, 2024 Operational Support Team embeds into 36th Airlift Squadron To assist units with rigid mission requirements, a psychologist and a physical therapist from the 374th Medical Group formed the Operational Support Team, July 29, to provide curated support to units across Yokota.
July 19, 2024 Airlift capable 24/7: 459 AS, 374 HCOS demonstrate aeromedical readiness on Independence Day On July 4, Airmen assigned to the 459th Airlift Squadron and 374th Healthcare Operations Squadron demonstrated these capabilities to coordinate and perform the aeromedical transfer of a service member from Yokota Air Base to Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan, for treatment.
March 8, 2024 U.S. Air Force strengthens ties, bolster tactical airlift interoperability in exercise with Bangladesh Air Force Nearly 80 U.S. Air Force service members and two C-130J Super Hercules aircraft from the 36th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron integrated with Bangladesh for the bilateral tactical airlift exercise, Cope South 2024, Feb. 19 to 28.
Jan. 9, 2024 Yokota sustains 24/7 air medical transport The 459th Airlift Squadron performed a trial run of a new readiness posture for medical transport on Dec. 18, aiming to offer 24/7 airlift support, streamlining the patient transfers from the 374th Medical Group at Yokota Air Base, Japan, to other medical facilities in the region.
Oct. 23, 2023 Yokota medics make moves in aeromedical evacuation exercise The 374th Medical Group responded to a simulated aeromedical evacuation and mass casualty scenario during the Beverly Morning 24-1 exercise at Yokota Air Base, Japan, Oct. 20.
Aug. 25, 2023 PACAF, allies support Pacific Airlift Rally 23 Pacific Air Force Airmen returned from Pacific Airlift Rally 23, a multinational, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise involving the U.S., Philippines, Japan, Indonesia and Malaysia air forces at Clark Air Base, Philippines, Aug. 14-18.
Aug. 10, 2023 International Red Cross Medal awarded to Team Yokota nurse Capt. Brandi Branch, 374th Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic flight commander, is one of only 37 people from 22 countries that received the Florence Nightingale Medal this year from the International Red Cross.
Aug. 1, 2023 Yokota Medics test contingency response with Allies during Mobility Guardian 2023 Yokota medics were put to the test to practice aeromedical evacuation and massive casualty response in cooperation with the U.K., Canada, New Zealand, and Japan in support of Mobility Guardian 2023 operations and an internal readiness exercise at Yokota Air Base, Japan, July 18-19, 2023.
July 7, 2023 What’s bugging you Yokota? The 374th Medical Group entomology Airmen collect samples of insects from across Yokota Air Base, and submit the samples to a testing facility to look for any insect-borne diseases that may affect base residents and the nearby Japanese communities.
April 18, 2023 Yokota medics train in cross-cultural exchange Yokota Air Base recently concluded a semester of the Japanese Physician Fellowship Program, a one-year, rotating education program designed to train Japanese physicians and familiarize them with U.S. medical practices.
Dec. 22, 2022 Yokota Air Base introduces “Rent the camo” pilot program Yokota Air Base, Japan, is one of the first United States Air Force installations to launch the Maternity Uniform Pilot Program, or “Rent the Camo,” October 1, 2022.
July 18, 2022 9th ARS partners with AE for atypical mission Airmen from the 9th Air Refueling Squadron, Travis Air Force Base, California, provided emergency aeromedical evacuation of a patient, May 23, 2022, from Osan Air Base, Korea, to Kelly Field, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas.
Oct. 8, 2021 American Woman Lt. Col. Lisa Guzman, 374th Medical Support Squadron commander, teared up as she recalled the celebration her Wingmen planned when she finally became a U.S. citizen.
Jan. 27, 2020 Yokota blood program invites AF inspection team The Transfusion Services department of the 374th Medical Group invited an Air Force-level inspection team to evaluate the blood bank program, Jan. 24.The Food and Drug Administration and College of American Pathologists routinely inspect the program for full compliance and quality assurance, but
Jan. 31, 2019 374th MDG hosts AF Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg, U.S. Air Force Surgeon General, and Chief Master Sgt. G. Steve Cum, Chief, Medical Enlisted Force and Enlisted Corps Chief, hosted Yokota Air Base, Japan.
Aug. 13, 2018 374th MDG hosts Joint Bilateral CBRN training Medical personnel from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Ft. Dietrick, Maryland, came to Yokota Air Base, Japan, to host the Offsite Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties (MCBC) Short Course, August 6-8, 2018.
Feb. 6, 2018 SecAF interacts with Airmen Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson speaks with Airmen from the 36th Airlift Squadron, Feb. 1, 2018, at Yokota Air Base, Japan. Wilson was given a tour of C-130J Super Hercules as part of her visit to Yokota, the Pacific’s premier power projection platform.