Oct. 20, 2023 'Ask an MTI' informs recruiters, helps bridge gap for recruits heading to BMT Recruits heading to BMT can ask questions in a recruiter-facilitated web chat with an MTI, thanks to a 37th TRW initiative to better prepare the Air and Space Force’s next generation of trainees for the rigors of training.
Feb. 10, 2022 Why today’s ‘Gen Z’ is at risk for boot camp injuries For today's generation of 18-to-25-year-olds, making it through recruit training and successfully transitioning from civilian life into the military is not easy.
July 17, 2020 Luke Airman becomes AF’s first physical therapist assistant to bypass tech school An enlisted physical therapy assistant assigned to the 56th Medical Group became the first Airman to complete Basic Military Training and direct transfer to her first duty station, Luke Air Force Base, bypassing technical training.
March 12, 2020 Military health officials begin screening Air Force basic trainees for COVID-19 Each trainee is screened by qualified medical professionals upon arrival at the BMT reception center and anyone identified as a potential infected person would then be isolated from the rest of the population and provided treatment. During screening, all appropriate Centers for Disease Control
March 3, 2020 Air Force BMT integrates tactical combat casualty care course for all Airmen During the tactical combat casual care course, service members learn lifesaving skills to render basic medical aid to a trauma casualty.
June 6, 2019 Air Force Basic Military Training continues to fine-tune program with major modernizations As part of the Basic Military Training curriculum revamp centered on readiness and lethality, airmanship, fitness and the warrior ethos, multiple changes to training are set to begin this summer.