Sept. 2, 2021 AUAB medics adapt to support Afghanistan evacuation Since Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, became the main stopover location for qualified evacuees from Afghanistan on Aug. 14, 2021, the entire installation and all of its personnel have had to adapt at a moment’s notice in order to support the Afghanistan evacuation operations.
Sept. 2, 2021 More than medical care: EMEDS prescribes hope In less than 24 hours, medical and logistics personnel transformed Ramstein’s Southside Fitness Center Annex into an expansive Expeditionary Medical Support System during Operation Allies Refuge.
Aug. 24, 2021 DOD intends to mandate Pfizer vaccine, Pentagon official says Since the Food and Drug Administration granted full approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, it's very likely the vaccine will soon become mandatory for Defense Department personnel, the Pentagon press secretary said.