June 30, 2022 Kendall talks PTSD, mental health with medical leaders Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall met with Air Force Medical Service leaders to discuss the Department of the Air Force’s approach for prioritizing post-traumatic stress disorder care and support June 24.
April 21, 2021 Neurodiagnostic technologists learn about brain disorders & care Neurodiagnostic Week, April 18-24, is an annual campaign that serves to bring attention to and acknowledge the efforts of neurodiagnostic professionals around the world. This year in particular has been particularly challenging with the Coronavirus pandemic, as neurodiagnostic technologists face
Feb. 11, 2021 Department of the Air Force leaders focus on resiliency Senior leaders are focused on building and growing resilience by establishing a task force called Operation Arc Care. This task force is currently reviewing resilience programs and overarching strategy using a phased approach which began in November.
Nov. 18, 2019 86th AMDS takes aim at increasing force deployability The 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron will gradually roll out a primary care manager and patient restructuring from now until January 2020.For patients, the most significant change is aligning Airmen within the same squadron to the same primary care manager team. Dependents will be treated
Sept. 20, 2018 DGMC doctors perform first Air Force Y-90 cancer treatment Two Air Force interventional radiologist at the Travis Air Force Base, California, perform the first Air Force-only liver cancer treatment on a patient with Y-90 radioembolization Sept. 7.
Dec. 6, 2017 Air Force Cycling Team prepares for 2018 season Interacting with the American public at cycling events across the U.S. may not sound like something many people think of members of the Air Force doing.
Sept. 14, 2017 Caregivers play critical role in lives of wounded warriors Tech. Sgt. Eric Fisher was two months into a five-month deployment in 2011 to Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, when he suffered a heart attack after an intense rocket attack, and a day of moving heavy pallets on the flight line.
July 5, 2017 Airman welcomes life into Misawa "Labor is like a box of chocolates--you never know what you're gonna get," according to some mothers while describing the process, referencing Forrest Gump. At Misawa Air Base, uncertainties still exist, but one guarantee is the doctors, like Capt. Paola Rosa, a 35th Surgical Operations Squadron
June 5, 2017 AMC’s medical community collaborates to improve care SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Medical group commanders, aeromedical squadron commanders and superintendents from across Air Mobility Command gathered here May 22 to 23, 2017 to learn how to improve care within their military treatment facilities.“It is about a change in culture,” said Brig. Gen. Lee