July 24, 2023 Little Rock AFB conducts MEDIC-X training, delivers life-sustaining care for future fight Moving out on the 19th Airlift Wing’s multiple readiness events taking place during ROCKI 23-07, the 19th Medical Group completed their first iteration of MEDIC-X training, July 21, 2023, to better equip medical personnel with life-sustaining skills needed for a limited resourced environment.
Feb. 11, 2021 Air Force medics deliver diverse deployed care Deployed medicine is often understood in the context of severe injuries on the battlefield, however trauma care is only one aspect of the Air Force’s deployed requirement and capability. Every deployed medic is equally important to readiness and combatant commanders’ mission success.
March 5, 2019 Project ECHO: Using telehealth to maintain a ready medical force Project ECHO was developed by the University of New Mexico. The AFMS began using a modified version in 2012 to improve the ability to connect medical Airmen with specialty providers at other MTFs.
Nov. 19, 2018 Tactical Combat Casualty Care course: Maintaining MacDill's joint readiness In the pursuit of maintaining full spectrum readiness and remaining the world’s preeminent fighting force, members from MacDill Air Force, Florida, participated in a Tactical Combat Care Course Nov. 14-16, 2018.