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  • DAF authorizes pass for COVID booster

    As COVID-19 cases continue to surge, we need to do everything possible to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities—that means getting a booster,” said Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones.

  • Safe and Sound Week - Take the challenge

    The Department of the Air Force is collaborating for the fourth year with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration during the Safe and Sound Week national campaign, which recognizes successes in workplace health and safety programs. This year’s Safe and Sound Week runs Aug. 9-15.

  • Two off-duty 64th AEG Airmen aid motorcyclist after NJ collision

    Two Airmen deployed with First Air Force’s 64th Air Expeditionary Group in support of federal COVID-19 response efforts aided a motorcyclist following a collision on May 22, 2021, in Pine Township, Ind.  The Airmen were off-duty from the state-led, federally supported Roosevelt High School Community

  • First AF’s 64th AEG Airmen support COVID-19 response in 30 states

    Airmen managed by First Air Force (Air Forces Northern)’s 64th Air Expeditionary Group are supporting Federal Emergency Management Agency’s vaccination operations across FEMA Regions 5-10 including 30 states, four territories and the Republic of Marshall Islands.

  • Road to COVID-19 vaccine is fast, safe

    Going fast doesn’t mean going dangerous.With recent reports that show Pfizer and Moderna vaccine candidates are more than 90% effective, Operation Warp Speed’s Chief Science Advisor Dr. Moncef Slaoui compared the rapid search for a vaccine to driving a racecar.

  • Staying safe and healthy all summer

    As the summer months wind down, leadership at all levels advocate for the continued health and safety of our Airmen and Space Professionals on and off duty. The Air and Space Forces top five leaders continued the conversation with a recently released memorandum encouraging vigilance in combatting

  • Air Force releases guidance on use of cloth face covers

    To the extent practical, without significantly impacting mission, all individuals on Department of the Air Force property, installations and facilities are required to wear cloth face coverings when they cannot maintain six feet of physical distance in public areas or work centers.

  • Stop the bleed

    Everybody has the capacity to help somebody. That singular concept is the launching point for the “Stop the Bleed” campaign, a joint effort between the federal agencies and civilian organizations in response to Presidential Policy Directive 8.

  • Safety perspective has allowed Human Systems Integration program to thrive

    When Maj. Shawnee Williams arrived at the Human Systems Integration Directorate, part of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s 711th Human Performance Wing here, she found herself in unfamiliar territory and facing an operationally misunderstood program. So she looked at the programmatics of her

  • Safely celebrating the Fourth of July

    Across the U.S., many Americans celebrate the Fourth of July with pool parties, barbecues and fireworks shows. As the festivities draw near, it is important to know how to safely celebrate the holiday. Military personnel are encouraged to review safety procedures, local and state laws and

  • Protecting your Child from Lead and Other Household Poisoning

    The word poison suggests a bubbling vial marked with skull and crossbones. However, poisonings can result from misuse of common household products or even from our home itself in the form of lead. Poisoning can happen all at once or gradually over time. TRICARE covers children’s blood lead testing