Air Force Medical Service Photos

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Members and representatives of the Federal Nursing Service Council (FNSC) spoke before a Congressional subcommittee on 17 May 2012. This was an inaugural event where the FNSC spoke as an entity at the Capitol building. The FNSC is composed of the nursing service leaders of major federal health entities including each military Service, United States Public Health Service (USPHS), Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS), and the American Red Cross. Pictured here are: 
Brig. Gen. Gretchen Dunkelberger, ANG Assistant to the Chief Nurse of the Air Force 
Dr. Carol A. Romano, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs USUHS (RADM, USPHS Retired) (Courtesy Photo)

Members and representatives of the Federal Nursing Service Council

Members and representatives of the Federal Nursing Service Council (FNSC) spoke before a Congressional subcommittee on 17 May 2012. This was an inaugural event where the FNSC spoke as an entity at the Capitol building. The FNSC is composed of the nursing service leaders of major federal health entities including each military Service, United States Public Health Service (USPHS), Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS), and the American Red Cross. Pictured here are: Brig. Gen. Gretchen Dunkelberger, ANG Assistant to the Chief Nurse of the Air Force Dr. Carol A. Romano, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs USUHS (RADM, USPHS Retired) (Courtesy Photo)

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