Keesler physicians, dentists graduate from internship, residency training Published May 27, 2014 By Capt. Stephanie Allen 81st Inpatient Operations Squadron KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- Twenty-four physicians and dentists will graduate from internship and residency training at 10 a.m., May 29, in Keesler Medical Center's Don Wylie Auditorium. Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Mark Ediger, deputy Air Force surgeon general, will deliver the commencement address. Col. (Dr.) Tom Harrell, Keesler Medical Center commander, will officiate. The Endodontics Program will graduate two residents from the two-year program. Both completed one year of didactics and research at the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry in New Orleans. During their second year of training, they were involved in mainly clinical work at Keesler. This benefits Keesler as the endodontic residents help provide supervised teaching for residents in the two-year Advanced Education in General Dentistry program as part of their curriculum. Following graduation, Maj. (Dr.) Ross Yost, will be assigned to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, and Maj. (Dr.) Scott Seago, to Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va. The General Surgery Residency Program will graduate two surgeons from the five-year program and eight first-year interns. Keesler boasts the largest general surgery residency platform in the Air Force. Surgery residents receive some of the most comprehensive training available in the Department of Defense with rotations at Eglin Air Force Base and Pensacola Naval Medical Center, Fla., the Biloxi Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Antonio Military Medical Center, University of Mississippi Medical Center at Jackson, and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany. Internal Medicine physician graduates include three residents with three years of specialty training. The program also will graduate seven doctors from the intern year. Internal Medicine is a very comprehensive training platform as well which also includes rotations at other facilities such as the Biloxi Veterans Administration Medical and UMMC allowing graduates to receive balanced instruction in all core competencies evaluated by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education. Physicians completing Keesler Medical Center's residencies are eligible to take board certification examinations in their specialty and are assigned to medical facilities in the United States and overseas. Graduating General Surgery resident Maj. (Dr.) Shea Pribyl has been selected for fellowship training in thoracic/cardiovascular medicine at Chicago's Loyola University Medical Center and Internal Medicine graduates Capts. (Drs.) Grant Gallimore and Benjamin Goins were chosen for fellowships: Gallimore in nephrology and Goins in cardiology, both at the San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium. Four General Surgery and six Internal Medicine graduates completing their one-year internships will continue their residency training at Keesler Medical Center. The graduates are: Dental - Second-year Endodontic postgraduates: Majs. (Drs.) Scott Seago and Ross Yost General Surgery - Fifth-year postgraduates: Maj. (Dr.) Shea Pribyl and Capt. (Dr.) Leslie Pristas. First-year postgraduates: Capts. (Drs.) Jarrett Eyer, Daniel Jacobs, John Losurdo, Nicole Martinez, Phillip McPeak, David Myers, Robert Rakosi and Jeremy Strohmayer Internal Medicine - Third-year postgraduates: Capts. (Drs.): David Brandt, Blair Curtis, Grant Gallimore, Benjamin Goins and Quy Nguyen. First-year postgraduates: Capts. (Drs.) Richard Bennett, Philip Clerc, Stephanie Degen, Brittney Mensen, Spencer Motley, Nhu-An Nguyen and Joshua Tate.