Be prepared for health care needs during this hurricane season Published June 3, 2019 TRICARE Communications FALLS CHURCh, Va. -- With the hurricane season beginning, now’s the time for individuals to prepare for their health care needs during severe weather. TRICARE experts recommend making a list that includes your physician’s name and contact information, medications with dosage and frequency, and type and model number of medical devices. Those with chronic health conditions or issues with vision, hearing, or mobility should get medical alert tags or bracelets, and identify how to get to safety. Gather immunization records, insurance paperwork, and medical documents in a waterproof container that’s easy to carry, health care recommend. Put together a basic first-aid kit with enough medication to ride out a storm. TRICARE authorizes early prescription refills when emergency procedures are in place. The MHS is the DoD component of the National Disaster Medical System, which also includes the Departments of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs. The system provides health and medical support when requested by civilian authorities when disasters and other emergencies happen. For more information on preparing for hurricanes and disasters, go to or If you are impacted by a disaster, find recovery resources at FEMA’s Disaster Assistance website.