Air Force bioenvironmental engineers attend conference to support cross-base research collaboration Published Sept. 11, 2017 By Karina Luis Air Force Surgeon General Office of Public Affairs FALLS CHURCH, Va. -- Air Force Aerospace Medicine held its third annual Team Aerospace Operations Solutions conference in Arizona August 28-30. The conference brought members of Team Aerospace together in a collaborative environment to share information and improve efficiency throughout the Air Force. The conference hosted more than 100 Bioenvironmental Engineering (BEE) attendees and showcased 57 research projects from bases around the globe. Throughout the past year, base-level bioenvironmental engineers worked closely with BEE headquarters to submit abstracts, refine research findings and present research posters. These attendees were on hand to engage and represent the functional area challenges and problems encountered, emerged, and solved by their Team Aerospace or bioenvironmental engineer community over the past year. “We are proud of our base-level engineers for their time and hard work,” said Ms. Davey Short, BEE functional planner. The scope of research conducted by each base includes radiology, occupational health, bioenvironmental health, and others. The conference provides an outlet for participants to present their research, learn from their peers, and share new ideas and lessons learned. “The future-facing goal of this conference is to give bases the confidence to present at larger national and international bioengineering conferences, said Col. Philip Goff, an Air Force bioenvironmental engineer. “It also increases research efficiency within the AFMS by opening communication and collaborative thinking between bases and decreasing the chances of duplicative research.” At the conference, participants heard remarks from Col. Kirk Phillips, associate chief for BEE, and attended 30 informative presentations, most focusing on research products underway at Air Force bases. The conference also held workshops to develop data, consider modifications to Air Force Instruction and discuss new technologies and assessments. “Efforts like this will save the AFMS money, resources, and increase efficiency and readiness,” said Goff. “The next step is to execute this research across bases by using the Airmen representatives as carriers to relay this knowledge back to their flight teams.”